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Mekamee 梅康米 | Seastar Rug 海星地毯

Mekamee 梅康米 | Seastar Rug 海星地毯


Mekamee’s Companion

Mekamee Seastar Rug「海星地毯」

梅康米 Mekamee 與 PERKS SOUVENIR STORE 首度合作,發佈 Mekamee’s Companion 系列。以高質量著稱的 PERKS PRODUCTION 監修整個系列,將梅康米動畫裡的⾓⾊們化⾝成⽑茸茸的地毯,在你最需要的時候給你溫柔的觸感。首輪推出的角色,以三位最高人氣的主角打頭陣 -包括海星、藍貓及大猩猩!



你最熟悉的好夥伴-海星!英⽂名是 Seastar ⽽不是 Starfish。

Seastar 是海𥚃的星,海星居酒屋是辛勞工作後的尾聲。



詳見:《ヒトデ居酒屋 Seastar Izakaya

尺寸:約 高80 *寬75cm

Mekamee 梅康米

Mekamee makes animation.

Mekamee came from an idea that a cat makes animation for its owner as long as it is given a large number of fish cans. The animation is usually about cats and animals. As time goes by, Mekamee gradually took the control of making animation. Finally, the cat turned back to the ordinary cat that can only meow meow and purr everyday. Ever since that, Mekamee has become a formal animator who serve his cat massive cans everyday.


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