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PAPAYA FUNG | <地獄行 Bound to Hell> 2022

PAPAYA FUNG | <地獄行 Bound to Hell> 2022


PAPAYA FUNG <地獄行> 2022




2021年的繪本《touch後,Papaya於今年生日前夕再度自資出版,今次是漫畫 - 她從小的憧憬之一。內容圍繞她在社交媒體上不定期發表的短篇漫畫 - 主角雪夫(一條內心過度糾結的白色毛毛蟲)的歷險故事。






PAPAYA FUNG <Bound to Hell> 2022


Following the picture book “Touch” in 2021, Papaya achieves one of her childhood dreams before her birthday - release the first self-published comic “Bound to Hell”.


Revolves around the adventures of Shef, an overly entangled white caterpillar.


Everyone is born in hell, some people are unaware of it and some people are trembling with fear. The only thing we can do is to extract misfortune from hell and live our best life.


200 pages in Chinese. Let's go to hell.




Dimensions: 150W x 210H mm

Print Length: 200 Pages 

Language: Chinese

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